Our Patriot Ancestors
Each member of the Piestewa Peak Chapter, NSDAR, is proud of the direct lineage connecting her to a Patriot who aided the cause of the American Revolutionary War through military, civil, or patriotic service. If you have a Patriot in your family tree, we would love to have the opportunity to assist you in establishing the proof necessary to join this great organization.
Contact us to learn more.
Ichabod Brownell, PVT
Timothy Munson, SGT
Moses Porter, PVT
John Post, PVT
Richard Aycock, CS, PS
Joseph Jackson, PS
Anthony Arnold, Sr., PS
Anthony Arnold, Jr., PS
Casper Boyers, CS
Nathanial Ducker, PS
Guy Elder, PS
Walter Fryer, PVT
James Prather, PS
Ebenezer Pumphrey, PS
James Traill, Sr., PS, SOL
Ludwick Wisinger, PVT
Alexander Campbell, LCOL
Ammi Cutter, CS
Abner Dodge, PVT
Lysander Richardson, PVT
William Pixlee, PVT
Nathaniel Rogers, CPL
Abraham Somes, LT
Josiah White, SGT
William Wood, CPL
New Hampshire
Reuben Davis, PS
Zebulon Drew, LT
Benjamin Ellenwood, PVT
New Jersey
David Adams, PVT
Zubulon Baird, PS
Teunix Denise, PS
Lebbeus Dodd, CAPT
John A. Gould, PVT
James Landon, PVT
Nathaniel Marlin, PVT
Rolph Marsh, 1LT
Jannetie Covenhoven Schenck, PS
John Schenck, CAPT
William Slayback, PVT
George Smock, PVT
John Smock, PS
David Van Der Veer, PS
New York
John Kettell, PVT
Henry Livingston, CS
John Lawrence, SOL
Cyprian Parrish, PVT
Nicholas Stansell, PVT
Jonathan Griffin Tompkins
North Carolina
Ludwig Albright, PS
William Chalk, SGT
Baxter King, CAPT
Jacob Lagenauer, PVT
George Laws, Sr., PS
George Laws, Jr., PS
George McDowell, PVT
William Ricks, PS
John Riggs, PS
Isaac Seward, PS
William Hitchcock Talbee, PVT
Tobias Tilman, PVT
William Wilder, PS
William Wright, PS
Anna Abendschon, PS
Reinholt Abendschon, PS
John Altman, Sr., PVT, PS
David Anderson, PVT
Johannes Decker, PVT
Frederick Dubbs, PVT
Ephraim Gilmore, PVT, PS
Balzar Leffel, PS
John Leffel, PS
Jacob Leininger, PS
Christopher Minnich, SGT
Robert Porter, SGT
Sarah Yards Wright Provance
Andrew Robertson, PVT
Jacob Rohrer, LT
Christian Shenkel, PVT
Henry Shepler, CAPT
George Frederick Siegle, SOL
Maria Magdalena Siegle, PS
William Stevens, PVT
William Stringer, PVT
Christian Waldschmidt, PVT
John Waugh, PVT
Henry Wax, CAPT
Abraham White, PVT
George Yearian, CS
Rhode Island
William Sweet, LT
South Carolina
Thomas Askew, PS
Francis Fontaine, PVT
Jemima Johnson Fontaine, PS
James Phinney, PVT
Mary Roberts, PS
Reuben Harmon, PS, CS
Jonas Powers, CS
Ebenezer Stearns, PVT
Andrew Winchester, PVT
John Arthur, PVT
Susanna Bartlett, PS
John Bell, PS
Henry Brumback, PS
Andrew Buchanan, CS
Stephen Childress, PS
Sylvester Chunn, PVT
Joseph Cole, SGT
Elisha Collins, PVT
John Daugherty, CAPT
William Dodd, SOL
Thomas Dunn, SOL
Robert Elliott, LT
Jezreel Ellis, SOL
George Eskridge, LT
Henry Harless, PVT
Jacob Lanter, PVT
Issac Leet, Sr., CS, PS
William Maddox, PS
Roger Madison, CS
Daniel Maupin, Sr., PS
Gabriel Mullins, PVT
William Munsy, SGT
Samuel Newberry, PS
Henry Patten, CAPT
William Patterson, Jr., PVT
William Patterson, Sr., PS
Sarah Yards Wright Provance
John Purtle, PVT
George Quisenberry, SOL
James Simpkins, PVT
Charles Stapleton, PS
Solomon Stratton, SGT, PS
James Stringfellow, CS, PS
Henry Tapscott, PS
Elisha Thomas, PVT
John Tuggle, PVT, PS
James Tuley, PS
Judith Tuley, PS
John Watson, PS
Isaiah Willis, PS
Joseph Willis, Sr., CS
1LT – First Lieutenant
CAPT – Captain
COL – Colonel
CPL – Corporal
CS – Civil Service
ENS – Ensign
LT – Lieutenant
LCOL – Lieutenant Colonel
PS – Patriotic Service
MAJ – Major
PVT – Private
SGT – Sergeant
SOL – Soldier
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